“Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona.” George F. Will
“The great thing about baseball is when you are done, you’ll only tell your grandchildren the good things. If they ask me about 1989 I’ll tell them I had amnesia.” Sparky Anderson
“If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.”
Dave Barry
“I’ve found that the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the price of the seats.” Bill Veeck, Chicago White Sox owner
I was such a dangerous hitter I even got intentional walks during batting practice.” Casey Stengel
“You can judge the dog in the fight but you can’t judge the fight in the dog.” Mitch Williams on the 2010 World Series
“That was real baseball. We weren’t playing for money. They gave us Mickey Mouse watches that ran backwards.” Bill Lee
He’d been summoned by the baseball gods; to carry the torch, to help save the team and the stadium and maybe even the game of baseball itself.” Peter Richmond on Derek Jeter. GQ Magazine, September 1998
“Close don’t count in baseball. Close only counts in horseshoes and grenades.” Frank Robinson
“The clock doesn’t matter in baseball. Time stands still or moves backwards so, theoretically, one game could go on forever. Some seem to.” Herb Caen
“Does Pete Rose hustle? Before the All Star game he came into the clubhouse and took off his shoes and they ran another mile without him.” Hank Aaron 
“This isn’t a job. This is a privilege, that’s what this is!” Mike Krukow, TV Commentator, on being at the ballpark on a daily basis.
“Baseball is the only orderly thing in an unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can’t get you off.” Author Unknown
The best possible thing in baseball is winning the World Series. The second best thing is losing the World Series.” Tommy Lasorda
“You teach me baseball and I’ll teach you relativity. You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball.” Albert Einstein
“Baseball is a game of race, creed, and color. The race is to first base. The creed is the rules of the game. The color? Well, the home team wears white uniforms and the visiting team wears gray.” Joe Garagiola
“Derek Jeter’s accomplishment puts Pete Rose’s hits record in perspective. 3,000 hits is phenomenal. 4,000? Freakish!” Anthony Castrovince via Twitter
“You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out it was the other way around all the time.” Jim Bouton
“It was something like 0-21 the first time I saw him. His first major league hit was a home run off me and I’ll never forgive myself. We might have gotten rid of Willie forever if I’d only struck him out.” Braves Pitcher Warren Spahn on Willie Mays (1951).
I couldn’t see well enough to play when I was a boy, so they gave me a special job ~ they made me an umpire.” Harry S. Truman, President of
the United States.
When we lose, I eat. When we win, I eat. I also eat when we’re rained out.” Tommy Lasorda
“Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.” Ted Williams
“He’s a kid who loves the game. To move up (to the Majors) that quickly is really rare. He throws well. Calls the game. He’s got it all. And he runs well …. for a catcher.” Johnny Bench on Buster Posey
You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going because you might not get there!” Yogi Berra
During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at bats a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball.” Mickey Mantle, 1970
“You know, a lot of people say they didn’t want to die until the Red Sox won the World Series. Well, there could be a lot of busy ambulances tomorrow.” Johnny Damon, after the Red Sox finally won the World Series
“I knew we were in for a long season when we lined up for the national anthem on opening day and one of my players said, “Every time I hear that song I have a bad game.” Jim Leyland, Pittsburgh Pirates Manager
“Baseball is the only orderly thing in an unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can’t get you off.” Bill Veeck
“What did Jesus say to the Chicago Cubs on his last day on earth? (A) Don’t do anything ’til I get back.” Anonymous reference to the fact the Cubs haven’t won the World Series in 102 years.
“You can’t sit on a lead and run a few plays into the line and just kill the clock. You’ve got to throw the ball over the damn plate and give
the other man his chance. That’s why baseball is the greatest game of them all.” Earl Weaver
“I didn’t cheat when I won the 25 games in 1961. I don’t want anybody to get any ideas and take my Cy Young Award away. And I didn’t cheat in 1963 when I won 24 games. Well, maybe a little.” Whitey Ford, New York Yankees Pitcher.
“For the parents of a Little Leaguer, a baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown broken down into innings.” Earl Wilson
“The only thing bad about winning the pennant is that you have to manage the All-Star Game the next year. I’d rather go fishing for three days.” Whitey Herzog
“Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing.” George Steinbrenner, 1998
“I was the worst hitter ever. I never even broke a bat until last year when I was backing out of the garage.” Lefty Gomez, Yankees pitcher.
“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” Yogi Berra
“Baseball fans love numbers. They love to swirl them around their mouths like a fine Bordeaux wine.” Pat Conroy
“It ain’t like football. You can’t make up no trick plays.” Yogi Berra
“We love it when a bad call works to our advantage, but raise hell when it doesn’t …. It’s all part of the game.” Fan’s comment heard after a loss.
“The speed of his legs, the dexterity of the body, the grace of the swing, the elusiveness of the slide. These are the things that make Americans everywhere forget the last syllable of a man’s last name or the pigmentation of his skin.” Branch Rickey, May 1960
“A baseball fan is a spectator sitting 500 feet from home plate who can see better than an umpire standing five feet away. Source Unknown
“I didn’t even know they warned him, to be honest with you. We didn’t hit Braun intentionally in Milwaukee, at all. We didn’t hit Fielder (intentionally) last night at all. And we didn’t hit him tonight intentionally, at all. And that is the truth.” Bobby Cox on pitcher Tim Hudson, July 17, 2010
“For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, he marks ~ not that you won or lost ~ but how you played the game.” Grantland Rice
“I saw Buster in the elevator after the game. I told him,”You know, this doesn’t happen every year!” He said, “Why not?” Sports Analyst Mike Krukow on rookie Buster Posey, SF Giants catcher after clinching the title
“Why does everybody stand up and sing ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ when they’re already there?” Larry Anderson
“My favorite part of the World Series is that I don’t have to listen to Joe Buck call the football games.” Anonymous
“I can remember pitching some awful games and the next morning, I’d read in the paper all these good things Bobby had said about me. I’d think, “Was he really watching the same game?” Tom Glavine on Bobby Cox
“I am convinced that every boy, in his heart, would rather steal second base than an automobile.” Tom C. Clark
“When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw up your taxes.” Don Drysdale, 1978
“Baseball is the sport that cackles back at can’t-miss-kids. It humbles every player sooner or later. Baseball confers greatness stingily, in its own sweet time …” Johnette Howard, Sports Illustrated
“Baseball’s not necessarily an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but we’re reaching the point where you can be a truly dedicated, state-of-the-art fan or you can have a life Take your pick. Thomas Boswell, Washington Post, April 13, 1990
Every time I hear Dave’s voice I tear up. I get chills no end. Not so much because I miss Dave the person, but Dave the spirit. Even the simple, “Hello, welcome to beautiful Safeco Field” with his signature grin.” YouTube comment in memory of Seattle Announcer, Dave Niehaus
“During World War II baseball lost 500 players to the service, but the game managed to survive a one-armed outfielder and a Browns’ pennant.” Sports Illustrated
“The great trouble with baseball today is that most of the players are in the game for the money and that’s it, not for the love of it, the excitement of it, the thrill of it.” Ty Cobb
“I’m throwing as hard as I ever did. The ball’s just not getting there as fast.” Lefty Gomez
“This is a great city to play. Anywhere you go, you’re going to have great fans, but not like you have here in St. Louis. I’ve only played in St.
Louis, I haven’t played anywhere else, but even when the other teams come here they tell us, “Man, I can’t believe how nice the fans are here.” Albert Pujols
“Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.” Yogi Berra
“You win a few. You lose a few. Some get rained out. But you got to dress for all of them.” Satchel Paige